2 FPO’s are promoted during the year 2015 and they are doing business with wholesale market dealers. They have collected share capital and membership fees and maintaining books of accounts of their dailiy business. All the farmers are getting better income than previous income. Each FPO was promoted with 500 Farmers, one is Cashewnut FPO with Tribal Farmes, promoted at Jeelugumalli Mandal, another is Vegetables FPO promoted at M.Nagulapalli village, Dwarkatirumala Mandal, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh.
This programme is implementing with the support of NABARD and the farmers are provided Technology, Bio-inputs and trainings. There are 32 villages in 2 districts with coverage of 1120 farmers. The farmers are implementing these methods successfully.
- of Clusters : 3 Clusters
- of Villages : 16
- of Farmers : 560
- No. of Acres : 600 Acres
Major Outcome :
- 2kgs of seed per 1acr (nearly 30kgs of seed were saved by farmers).
- The nursery raising was only done in 15 days (time being saved).
- Application of inputs (less investment on fertilizers and pesticides).
- The transplantation was done through using markers which were planted in square type.
- In spite of irrigation being less, the land was always wet, henceforth water was saved.
- By using weeders the weeds were pushed deep inside the land and the land has become fertile with the green manure.
- Through weeding the oxygen was consumed by the plants and therefore it has become a bunch of plants.
- Corn size was lengthy and the seed was strong comparatively to the other paddy field.
- In an Acre at least 6-7 bags i.e. (75kgs of each bag) is more yielding compare to the other paddy field.
- 10bundles of grass is more than the other paddy field.
- Because of the grass being hard and rough in its texture it will not be infected by the insects.
- Weight age of the seed was strong.
- Usage of fertilizers and pesticides were less due to which the plants were getting enough sunlight and air.
- Usage of electricity is less comparatively with other Paddy field. ( Irrigation )
- The tillers will grow like “ V “ shape which helps the plants will not fall down.
- Less investment – High yielding
- That’s why the farmers are implementing SRI Systems additionally in their land.
This programme is implementing with Tribal families. The major activities of the programme are promotion of Seri-culture and Horticulture Crops including integrated approach of the 530 Tribal Families in 20 villages in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh
- financial Assistance : Rs. 208.85 Lakhs
- Loan Assistance : Rs. 20.00 Lakhs
- Project Period : 06 Years ( Starting from 2011-12 )
- Coverage of families : 530
- Coverage of Maathota (ac) : 500 Acres
- Project Area : Jeeligumelli Mandal, West Godavari Dist. A.P
Major Components :
Horticulture Crops ( Mango -40 & Cashew-33 per 1 acre )
- Boundary Plantation, Live hedge, Inter crop, bio-inputs
- Labour ( 50% beneficiary share )
- Ploughing, Digging of pits, Filling of pits and planting, basins weeding and formation, fertilizers application, and spraying, irrigation etc.,
- Soil Moisture and Conservation Work ( SMC ) – New Farm bund, stone outlets and construction of compost pits
- Water Resource Development ( WRD ) – Bore wells with pump sets, oil engines, cement ring, pot drip, Flexible hose pipes with water tanker etc.,
- Construction of Chawkie rearing center, Cement Bricks making unit and transportation vehicle
- Grant for Construction of silk rearing sheds and Inputs
HEALTH programmes :
- Health Awareness & Health Check-up camps
- Kitchen Garden
- Chlorination of Drinking Water
Women development :
- Formation of New Groups & Strengthening of existing groups
- Awareness Programme
- Nursery raising
- Leaf Pressing machine
- Exposure visits
Capacity building trainings :
- Training to PIA Staff
- Programme Promotion
- Need Based Training
- Training to Office bearers – VDC
- Awareness Programme on Wadi Concept ( Kalajatha Programme )
- Exposure Visits
- Skill Development Training
The organization has promoted 290 Farmers clubs in 290 villages covering approximately with 6000 farmers in three districts of Andhra Pradesh. The clubs are provided transfer of technology, Leadership Development Programmes, Exposure Visits, Vermi Compost, Azolla cultivation and Field programmes with the Scientists.
Major Out Come :
The farmers clubs are promoted192 in 3 districts.
- Savings and internal lending
- Minimizing of Pesticides and Fertilisers
- Selection of Quality Seeds
- Use of Vermi Compost and manure
- Following Soil Testing in their field
- Co-operation to the bankers to collect overdue loan amounts
- Co-operating to the village people to open a bank accounts
- Mass Controlling of rats in their field
- Availing of subsidi loans like Diary, Goat, Poultry,Godowns etc.,
- Strengthening of Institutional Development like monthly meeting, Monthly saving, Book keeping, Magazines, News Paper maintenance.
- Economic Activity like Fertilizer Shop
- Hiring of agriculture implements
- Inviting and involving local scientists and Govt. officers to the field
- Knowledge gaining through the exposure visits
- Promotion of organic and Sustainable agriculture practices
- Village Community Based Activities like road laying, cleaning, plantation.
- Organising National Festivals and involving all the villagers.
- Conducting of animal health camps
- Conducting of Health Camps in the villages
- Promotion of drinking water facility like water plants
- Most of the farmers got awarded as a progressive farmers in the district
- Promotion of Seed village concept and total village kitchen garden concept
- Use of literature like magazines and information from SMS
- Preparation of different Kashayalu, Panchakavya, amrutha japam etc.,
The programme is implementing with the Horticulture Department supported by SHM in Vegetable Crops and lime acid crops. The farmers are provided Bio-Inputs, Trainings, Exposure Visit, Organic Certification and guidance for marketing in 3 villages with 151 farmers in 150 Hectors.
The SHG Women and unemployed Youth were identified and provided the Skill Development Training on DTP for 30 members and also collaborated with the training institutes and send them according to the market and interest of the people.
- DTP Training
- Tailoring and Embroidary
- Painting, Maggam and Fashion Desiging
- Jam & Juice Making
- Paper Plates and Paper Bags
- Honey Making
- Two wheeler Motor Cycle Training.
- Candles Making
- Chalkpiece Making
- Rural Mart
The organization is strengthening Water Groups like Water User Association and Lift Irrigation Schme Society Groups. They are provided regular trainings, Exposure Visits, Water Management Trainings, Crop Management Trainings, Maintenance of Corpus Fund and Crop Insurance. The programme is implementing in 2 districts with 3000 farmers.
Vehicle/van decorated with banners and posters of financial literacy Slogan/messages on various banking services and financial literacy displayed on both the outside has organized. Campaign provided awareness on financial literacy and importance of having Bank zero accounts for the individual and benefits of having saving accounts, insurance schemes available, Accident insurance up to Rs. 100,000., Importance of social security, How to approach the bank etc.,. The campaign has covered all the streets of each and every village. The campaign has been conducted in the presence of village leaders and village.
- Publicity Campaign (Prachara Ratham)
- Kaalajatha
- Meetings
- Video Visuals
- Quiz Programs
- Print Materials Distribution: 5000 Pamphlets with the message of Financial Literacy and benefits of bank accounts, Planning and budgeting income, need for savings for education, marriage, illness, housing etc., Micro credit wise use of credit, timely and regular repayment, insurance schemes available, Accident insurance up to 100,000. Medical insurance cover of 30,000.. Bank schemes available, Banking services like zero balance bank accounts, Fixed Deposits, recurring Deposits, Electronic benefit transfer (pension, gas subsidy, etc.,), money transfer by online, NEFT, RTGS etc., are printed and released pamphlets in the programme by the chief guest and the same were disseminated in all the villages.
- Flex
- Wall Writings
Public were anxious to learn the financial options available to them and seemed determined to change past behavior patterns with regard to debt management as well as keen to take advantage of the possibility of opening savings accounts. One of the biggest benefits of the program is having bank accounts was ensured which resulted the massive enrollment of the villagers with the formal financial system.
Rally from old bus stand to new bus stand chintalapudi. Sri. B.V.S.RAMAPRABHU, AGM-NABARD -West Godavari District Flagged off the Rally from old bus stand chintalapudi, 450 Students from all local schools, teachers, above 100 general public, SHG Members, farmer clubs members,health workers, NGO representatives and Anganwadi workers participated in the Rally., The Rally created awareness among the public through placards slogans on necessity of dumping waste only in dust bins, avoiding spitting on walls, usage of toilets, Avoid writings on currency Notes, save energy to save earth and . Keep villages clean. Avoid usage of plastic carry bags etc. The campaign was covered with mike announcement on awareness of cleanliness in the village. The pamphlets were distributed to the public. The Meeting was organized at New Bus stand premises and Sri. B.V.S.RAMAPRABHU, AGM-NABARD, West Godavari District explained about the SWACHH Bharath Mission, the programmes are supported by NABARD focusing the importance of clean villages and keeping surroundings clean. He also stated that we should motivate our neighbors to be a part of Swachh bharath and making our surroundings clean and be healthy. And other participant officers are also addressed the public about the importance of Swachh Bharath.